Thursday, July 23, 2009


This is still Alayna's favorite song. The potty takes it to a whole other level.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Alayna's First Dance Class!! 7/7/09

So excited for my dance class! Morgan and me!
"Are you ready for this, Morgie?"
Prima ballerina
Some "head, shoulders, knees, and toes.."
Some turns like a ballerina...
Some "if you're happy and you know it.."
Marching and saluting..
a little "snail" race
mommy's favorite pose!
and an ice cream sundae to celebrate!
What a GREAT day!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July!

Playing with all of the kids at the Pearson's house! Stephen, 3, and Alayna, 2
Throwing poppers!

This is how she draws on the floor...

Watching the pretty fireworks!

Random pics

BFF Morgan she came in yelling, "I'm a fireman!"
I'm a princess with jewelry!
I'm a cooool princess
Now, I'm a cool princess with oven mitts.

Farmer's Market

Wanted to get daddy a cow for his bday... Cousin Nolan and Connor

Two's Transition Class Graduation

choo-choo-ing to our seats...
singing "hello everybody, yes indeed..."
My certificate and cookie!

Colorado Trip-May

Gym class with Sophia!Love her already...

I have the best cousins!
daddy's strong!
LOVE reading with Grandma! Swimming!
Wonder Pets is awesome with Lucas!
Going for a walk..
Helping out in the kitchen
I loved Hercky and his tail Grandma and Papa
We're fairies!
Denver zoo was so much fun!
Happy Birthday, Papa!

Father's Day!

and Daddy's bday!