Sunday, March 22, 2009

My 2nd Birth-week!

Kicking off my birthweek with a great gift from the Wangs!!
Celebrating at one of my Toddler programs
The best cookie ever.
Everyone enjoyed it...
...especially me!
Visiting birthday boy Austin! (one day apart)

Then we celebrated at my other class!
So happy!

My ACTUAL birthday!

I'm 2!!!

Maribelle took me to get ice cream!

Is there something on my face?
My daddy and me
I love my family!
My first scooter!Cheese~
Birthday cookie!

Finally, my Mickey Mouse birthday party at Roxbury Park!

Mommy made me a giant cupcake!

Swinging with my BFF Morgan!

Cousin Nolan and Connor!
Thank you Sophia!!

Tobyn and I hanging out
Playing with my buddies
Kalea and Tyson visiting too!
Pinata time! GOOO stephen!
Whack! Whack!
Happy Birthday to ME!
Had a blast!
Thank you everyone!!

1 comment:

akiko said...

happy happy birthday alayna!! i can't believe we have 2 year olds... when did this happen? ; )